Sunday, 20 January 2013

Meat Horses Jan 19 2013

There were 4 horses and two ponies at the Woodville auction.  One Belgian mare was bought by a horse trader, an older Clyde mare and 4 yr old morgan type filly were purchased by a trader/meat dealer, but from the price he paid for the Clyde mare I suspect that he has another home in mind for her...  not every horse he buys is meatbound.  Unfortunatly he will not deal with me so I cannot do anything about the horses that he gets.  The main meat dealer bought an old standardbredish looking gelding who appeared to be perhaps arthritic and uncomfortable.  I am still unable to upload pics to this blog.  I have no idea why, but the "Browse" button to tell it where to get pic from does not come up anymore!  Anyone have any ideas???  I have asked the lady who set up the blog for us and she does not respond. 

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